Zone of Genius and the elimination of your BS….

Throughout our entire lives we’ve been told to find the work we love, discover our lifes purpose and use our gifts to build legacy and impact. However we are never given a true process, of elimination. You maybe asking why a process of elimination? Well, since you are grown, you are not starting with a clean slate. So you have to first get rid of all the things you have filled your schedule, to do list and note books, headspace with over your work days, and life. The baggage, the BS, the task you took on because you felt you had to, when you didn’t have a team, or know how to assess your skills enough to outsource.

Finding your zone of genius for me, has definitely been a process of taking off the super women, or superman cape off. You are not doing your best work, by doing ALL the things.

You can’t get the the clarity of your Zone of Genius, until you get rid of all the things that have stood in the way to begin with. Through, running multiple businesses, building a successful speaking career that allowed me to travel all over the world, I burned out, twice. I was introduced to Gay Hendricks’s book the Big Leap at a time when I hit the heavy brick wall of burnout. It forced me to ask myself, one of the most important question, many of us avoid. 

If I’m being really honest with myself…what do I really want?

Then going through identifying my Zone of Incompetence, Zone of Competence, Zone of Excellence and then Zone of Genius… it forced me to ask more questions of myself. So, I wanted to share them with you. (Want the worksheet to go through it yourself? Snag it at )

Ask yourself, once I have identified my Zone of Genius, where do I want my genius to take me? 

How do I want my genius to design my days?

What new conversations do I want it to start?

What doors do I want it to open for me?

What type of work will I do with my genius?

How many hours will I work each day?

What kind of impact on the world will I have as a result of my Genius?

What income will I generate as a result of my genius?

What will my lifestyle be as a result of my genius? 

Who am I taking on this Genius Journey with me?

I’m excited to share with you that I’m working on a new book, called Genius Jam, here’s a sneak peek. More details soon

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